Help Topic: Service Taxes

Q. I Can't Set Service Taxes

If you are unable to set service taxes for your States/Provinces, check the following:

  1. Make sure your clients have their State/Province field filled in on their account.  You can check this by going to CLIENTS > CLIENTS > EDIT CLIENT.  Alternatively, you can click on the client icon and then select edit client.  Once on the edit page, to the left, half way down you will see their State/Province field.  If this field is not filled in, the service taxes section will not populate the state.
  2. Make sure your services that are taxable have the taxable setting set to YES.  If you are able to select a State/Province but you get the following message: There are no services with taxes enabled, this is because you have not enabled any services with the taxable option set to YES.  To set a service as taxable, do the following: ACCOUNTING > SERVICES > EDIT (on the service that is taxable) and select YES for Is Service Taxable?  Now that service will be taxable and will show up opn the service taxes configuration table.

This is why we have made the State/Province field a required field.

Q. Where Can I See The Taxes I Collected?

You can review the taxes you collected by navigating to the income statement page.  Here is how you find your income statement:

  • from the top naviagation bar: ACCOUNTING > INCOME STATEMENT, or
  • go to your Dashboard and click on the link above the Cost-Revenue-Profit Analysis chart marked, Income Statement.

Once you are on the income statement page select the start date and end date for the time interval you wish to see.  The charts and tables will populate your financial information.  At the bottom of the page, the last table will list your taxes collected for each State/Province.  The total taxes collected for the time interval is listed at the top of the page.