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Business Tools


Quality of Service?

  • Self-Serve: refers to those services that require clients to choose their own tutors via an online marketplace. This type of service does not provide online meetings, phone conversations or in-person consultations.
  • Guided Services: will have consultations between the client and management during on-boarding. Support is available via chat, e-mail, phone and online meetings. Monthly assessments or daily after-session reporting is common.
  • Premium Services: are similar to guided services and they provide more assessments via dedicated education directors or co-ordinators.
  • If you operate in a "high cost location" where the pricing is higher than the national average, you should select premium service.

Tutors Must Travel?

  • Select, NO if the instruction is online. If the tutor must travel to a location or the client's home select, YES.

High Demand Service?

  • A high demand service refers to a service that is high in demand or has a low supply of available tutors. Select high demand if you find it difficult to find tutors for this service.
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