We'll give you 1-FREE month to switch to Bizstim!
Bizstim Business Software BOOK DEMO
  • at least 1 month with the other company
  • provide a screenshot of your billing history
  • purchase a paid subscription with us
  • when verified we'll add 1-FREE month to your account
  • you can stack our 3 months at 50%-OFF offer
  • not available to returning accounts

Driving School Software, Best in 2024

Easily manage student scheduling|custom automated reminders|mileage tracking|instructor availability|payment processing|instructor wages|1:1 sessions|group appointments|online bookings|expense tracking|automate billing|session conflict resolution|driving instructor reports|attendance tracking|Stripe integration|text messaging|QuickBooks integration in a single software platform

Calendar and Scheduling

Calendar & Scheduling System

Stunning visual calendar with drag and drop cutting edge features
  • see what vehicles are assigned to the session
  • differentiate between open and completed sessions by color
  • drag and drop calendar cells to change times and dates with ease
  • create 1:1 sessions, group sessions and classes with participant vacancies

Early Warning Conflict Center

The driving school management system will notify you of conflicts between participants and vehicle assignments
  • an alarm bell can be found at the top of each page and will warn you of a conflict
  • use the conflict center to check why there is a conflict
  • add an additional warning to the dashboard when you log in
  • no more double bookings of driving instructors or cars
Conflict Center
Vehicle Session Results

Vehicle & Mileage Tracking Manager

Up to date accounting for vehicle mileage and mileage costs
  • view vehicle mileage when a session is completed
  • calculate client mileage costs
  • keep track of mileage pay outs for instructor vehicles
Our clients think we're the best!
I love this booking tool. Nothing more satisfying than getting a text with a booking and a sale coming in!
- Raquel
The customer service is old school in a modern environment
- Christine
I have told many of my friends that it's the best thing I've done for my business... I recommend this company highly!
- Janet
I can't tell you how excited we are to have something that will finally allow us to grow these portions of our business
- Jen
I LOVE being able to drag and drop the notes box! It is saving me SO MUCH TIME
- Beth
This looks fantastic Chris! Once again, I greatly appreciate your willingness to improve and customize your tools
- Denis

Detailed Vehicle Information

Detailed Vehicle Information

Fixed Pricing... Finally!

That's right. We don't penalize you for successfully growing your business.
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Unlimited Unlimited 1
Unlimited Unlimited
Scheduling & Reports
Accounting & Finances
Client Management
E-Mail / Phone Support
HR Basic
Online Client Booking
E-Mail Automation
Security Auditing
Documents Manager
Text (SMS) Automation
Online Payments
Sales Manager
Mass Emailing
QuickBooks Integration
Task Management
Records Manager
Products Manager
HR Advanced
Feature Add-ons
API Access
Monthly Price
$39.99 $79.99 Free

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Business Software?
Business software or business management software assists you with storing business information and provides insights when applicable. Typically, business owners use spreadsheets and other tools to store information. Within time, accessing these files and resources becomes a daunting task.
As the size of your company grows, spreadsheets become a liability and hindrance. Our software provides an intuitive user interface to store all of your information in a single location.
Whenever we can automate mundate tasks we do so. Consequently, you will notice an increase in productivity, and appear more credible and professional to your clients and students.
How can this software help me?
This business management application has dozens of features and can be useful for many different purposes. The focus of this software is to assist companies and individuals in service-based industries. Here are some areas where we help you to excel:
  • Student scheduling and communication
  • Instructor management and wage tracking
  • Creating assessment and reports
  • Client relations management
  • Sales funnel and conversions
  • Accounting and billing
  • Human resources management
Your information is available to you over the Internet within a secure and protected environment. You can access your business information using any device; cell phone, tablet, or desktop computer. With this business tool you won't have to worry about staying organized ever again. We'll keep all of your data safe and organized for you.
Can you explain your pricing plans?
We have 3 business plans, they are:
  • Individual Plan
  • Small Business Plan
  • Enterprise Plan
Individual Plan: The individual plan is intended for the solo business owner. If you are a driving instructor, consultant, tutor, teacher, therapist, or health care worker that works for yourself, this plan is intended for you. Manage your schedule, finances; billing and expenses and clients quickly and easily. This plan does not offer online payment processing, multiple tutors, or staff.
Small Business Plan: The small business plan is great for small businesses. It provides all of the business management features you come to expect from a premium software service. The small business plan does not provide access to the HR Advanced features, API or Text Messaging. If you have tutors and/or staff that are paid by salary (not paid according to appointments / session) you will want to look at the Enterprise Plan. In addition, if you need to manage deductions, such as: income tax, union dues, health care plans, etc you will want to have access to the HR advanced features offered by the Enterprise Plan.
Enterprise Plan: The enterprise plan provides access to all features of this business management software. You can choose to pay your tutors according to sessions they complete or a salary rate you set. There are two types of salary pay: hourly and annual. Your staff members are paid using one of these two salary types. You use timesheets to track salary tutors and staff. Furthermore, the HR advanced features allows you to set up deductions; income tax, union dues, health care plans, etc. This plan is great for large businesses. Additional features only provided by the Enterprise Plan include: access to the API service and Text messaging reminders. We continue to add features on a regular basis.
Why fixed pricing should matter to you?
Virtually all business management software platforms employ variable pricing. Bizstim is one of the only companies to extend fixed pricing for its plans.
Why does that matter?
Most businesses start small. In the beginning a small business typically pays the minimum amount in a variable pricing plan. Unfortunately, as the business grows, the cost of using the software increases. Variable plans employ an exponential increase in price with respect to business size. This means, as your business grows, the cost of using the software becomes "relatively" greater. You are in effect charged more for the same product.
Bizstim business management software provides fixed pricing. Therefore, regardless of your size, you know exactly what you will be paying every month.
Fixed pricing is more cost effective, better for budgeting, and signals our companies desire to see you; our client, become more profitable and successful.
We have a large volume cost for companies with over 2500 sessions in a month. This cost pays for the increased demand for resources and maintenance. This cost ensures a great user experience.

The table below depicts several businesses with large volume costs:

A 500 $0
B 2,500 $75
C 5,000 $150
D 7,500 $225
E 10,000 $300

These costs are added to your monthly subscription fee.

If you have fewer than 2500 sessions in a month there is NO large volume cost.

Do I have to install anything?
Absolutely not! You don't have to install our software because it's a cloud-based application. If you know how to navigate on the Internet, enter a username and password, you're good to go!
How easy is this software to use?
Our application is extremely easy to use. We don't use multi-leveled navigation so there's no need to click needlessly and endlessly. We have shortcut icons on every page in the same location for commonly used tasks. There is a variety of tool tips and pop-ups should you require additional help.
Smart Dashboard™ ensures you and your staff are made aware of vital information. When tasks are completed, Smart Dashboard™ no longer displays them, thereby de-cluttering the page. Inversely, Smart Dashboard™ arranges information for your clients taking into consideration what they look for 90% of the time. This improves overall user experience and promotes use of the business tool. You save time and your business runs more efficiently.
How secure is the site in protecting my business information?
Your business data is very secure! Here are a few of the ways your data is kept safe:
  • protection of your login credentials using bcrypt algorithm
  • encrypted link between you and our servers with secure socket layer (SSL)
  • cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection site-wide
  • diligent filtering of all inputs and outputs (Good code practices)
  • frequent backups of database information
  • a dedicated team of specialists constantly monitoring server activity
Let us protect your data. That's what we do and we're good at it. Focus on growing your business while we work behind the scenes to keep your precious information safe from harm.
What's your support like?
You can contact us via email at or call us toll free at: 1-844-588-2200.
E-mail or call us at any time. Business hours are 9:00 AM EST to 8:00 PM EST Monday to Friday. If you have an emergency we will monitor e-mail and the phone and get back to you as soon as possible.
Our client satisfaction is so important to us. We want to hear from you and work closely with you to provide the best product experience as possible.