LOW | 3% - 5% |
It is possible to operate with this type of conversion rate in a mid-to-high competitive market if your company is dominiating marketing streams. |
MID | 1% - 2.9% |
Most companies are likely to operate in this range. |
HIGH | 0.1% - 0.9% |
You may not be in a highly competitive market but experiencing this type of conversion rate because your sales and marketing funnels are not optimized or you are not spending enough on marketing. Keep in mind, all industries have a minimum required amount to compete and if your are self-funded or boostraping your business may be under-performing. If you are in this categor you will want to maximize other forms of client acquistion neglected by your competitors. |
The conversion rate, expressed as a percentage, is determined by dividing the total number of clients by the total number of CPC clicks. For instance, if it requires 100 CPC clicks to acquire a new client, your conversion rate would be 1%.
To calculate your conversion rate, you can utilize the optional fields if you have access to your previous month's statistics. Alternatively, if you already possess an estimate of your conversion rate, you can manually input it and disregard the optional fields.