
An SPF record added to Domain Name Service (DNS) servers tells recipient email servers that a message came from an authorized sender IP address or could be from a phishing campaign. It's an essential component in email security and gives administrators a way to block phishing emails from reaching an intended victim.

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Why Do I Need an SPF Record?

An SPF record is a DNS entry containing the IP addresses of an organization's official email servers and domains that can send emails on behalf of your business. SPF discourages cybercriminals from spoofing your domain, spam filters will be less likely to blacklist it. This improved reputation improves the deliverability of your legitimate mail.

If you use a third-party email system to manage emails, like Bizstim, you need an SPF record that tells recipient email servers that the sender is authorized to send messages on behalf of your business. If you don't have an SPF record, the recipient's email server may warn the recipient that the message could be a phishing attacker. For some business email servers, the system drops the message or sends it directly to the recipient's spam inbox, so the recipient may never receive it.

Where To Find Your SPF Setting?

SPF Setting Image

To find your SPF policy settings navigate to SETTINGS > SETTINGS from the main menu.

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Check the SPF setting if you don't have control of your domain's SPF policy. E-mails will be sent using with a from name of Bizstim Business App

What To Add To Your Domain's SPF Policy?

Add the following to your SPF policy:

* The above shows the inclusion of the domain to the SPF policy. The other includes are there for example and should not be added to your policy.

Here are helpful SPF policy guides from various internet service providers: