We'll give you $120 credit to switch to Bizstim!
Bizstim Business Software BOOK DEMO
  • at least 3 months with the other company
  • provide a screenshot of your billing history
  • purchase a paid subscription with us
  • when verified we'll add $120 credit to your account
  • you can stack our 3 months at 50%-OFF offer
  • not available to returning accounts

API Documentation


Type: GET
Method: staffs
Parameter: (integer) {start} / {limit}
URL Example:
start parameter refers to the first record to return.  Default = 0.
limit parameter refers to the number of records to return.  Default = 20.  Maximum = 100.
start and limit can be omitted from the URL and their defaults will be chosen.
total key in the json object is the total number of records found.  Use this to create your own pagination.
id integer Unique id.
users_id integer Unique id. id on the users table
staff_settings_id integer Unique id. id on the staff_settings table
first_name string First name for the staff member
last_name string Last name for the staff member
address1 string Street address for the staff member
address2 string Suite or appartment number for the staff member
city string City location for the staff member
state string State location for the staff member
zipcode string Zipcode location for the staff member
country string Country location for the staff member
p_phone string Primary phone number for the staff member
s_phone string Secondary phone number for the staff member
text_phone string Text message phone number for the staff member
    "status": "success",
    "total": 7,
    "response": [
            "id": "31",
            "users_id": "5290",
            "staff_settings_id": "35",
            "first_name": "Mark",
            "last_name": "Middletown",
            "address1": "153 Easy Street",
            "address2": "201",
            "city": "Hamilton",
            "state": "Ontario",
            "zipcode": "L8R 2M6",
            "country": "Canada",
            "p_phone": "(905) 555-1111",
            "s_phone": "(905) 555-2222",
            "text_phone": "1905551111"


Type: GET
Method: meetourstaff
Parameter: (integer) {start} / {limit}
URL Example:
start parameter refers to the first record to return.  Default = 0.
limit parameter refers to the number of records to return.  Default = 20.  Maximum = 100.
start and limit can be omitted from the URL and their defaults will be chosen.
total key in the json object is the total number of records found.  Use this to create your own pagination.
admin_id integer Unique id. id on the staff table
staff_settings_id integer Unique id. id on the staff_settings table
staff_id integer Unique id. id on the staff table
first_name string First name for the staff
last_name string Last name for the staff
position string Staff user's position with the company. For example; Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, Chief Operating Officer. 100 character maximum length
excerpt string A short description of the staff user's roles and responsibilities. 210 character maximum length
priority integer Choose a number between 1 and 100. 1 has the highest priority. This is used to determine the order of appearance for our Meet Our Staff API. You can keep this at the default setting if you do not intend to use the API.
headshot_url string

Filename of an image or pic that has been uploaded to their account by the administrator. This will be blank.png for those who do not have a pic. This field could also be an empty string.

If this value is empty or blank.png, use the following url to point to the file:

If this value is not empty and is not blank.png, use the following url to point to the file:{admin_id}/staff-{staff_settings_id}/{headshot_url}

Additional Information

ORDER OF THE QUERY.   The response is ordered by priority in ascending order.   If two or more staff users have the same priority, they are then ordered by first name in ascending order.   This was done to help you show the staff users in a logical order that was previously predetermined by you.  
    "status": "success",
    "total": 9,
    "response": [
            "admin_id": "15",
            "staff_id": "757",
            "staff_settings_id": "819",
            "first_name": "joanna",
            "last_name": "smiley",
            "position": "Founder & CEO",
            "excerpt": "<span class=\"excerpt\">Maecenas sagittis malesuada
                ligula at vulputate. Integer nec fermentum lorem, aliquam faucibus tortor. Phasellus in
            "priority": "10"
            "headshot_url": "jsmiley.png"


Type: GET
Method: staff
Parameter: (integer) {staff_id}
URL Example:
id integer Unique id.
users_id integer Unique id. id on the users table
staff_settings_id integer Unique id. id on the staff_settings table
first_name string First name for the staff member
last_name string Last name for the staff member
address1 string Street address for the staff member
address2 string Suite or appartment number for the staff member
city string City location for the staff member
state string State location for the staff member
zipcode string Zipcode location for the staff member
country string Country location for the staff member
p_phone string Primary phone number for the staff member
s_phone string Secondary phone number for the staff member
text_phone string Text message phone number for the staff member
status string active | inactive | contactList | doNotHire
calendar_color string Color of blocks shown on the timesheets calendar
hire_date string Date the staff user was added to the database
wage_tier integer Wage type for the practitioner. 1 = hourly salary | 2 = annual salary
notes string Staff notes as seen on the add, edit, and view staff pages
position string Staff's position with the company. For example; Accountant Manager, CEO, and CFO. 100 character maximum length
excerpt string A short description of the staff user's roles and responsibilities. 210 character maximum length
priority integer Choose a number between 1 and 100. 1 has the highest priority. This is used to determine the order of appearance for our Meet Our Team API. You can keep this at the default setting if you do not intend to use the API.
headshot_url string

Filename of an image or pic that has been uploaded to their account by the administrator. This will be blank.png for those who do not have a pic. This field could also be an empty string.

If this value is empty or blank.png, use the following url to point to the file:

If this value is not empty and is not blank.png, use the following url to point to the file:{admin_id}/staff-{staff_settings_id}/{headshot_url}

send_welcome_message integer Send welcome message upon account creation. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_practs integer Manage practitioners. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_staff integer Manage staff. 0 = No | 1 = view only | 2 = view and edit | 3 = view, add, edit, and delete
s_wages integer Manage wage manager. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_timesheets integer Manage timesheets. 0 = No | 1 = view all timesheets | 2 = manage practitioner timesheets only | 3 = manage staff timesheets only | 4 = manage both timesheets | 5 = manage practitioner timesheets (see no wages) | 6 = manage staff timesheets (see no wages) | 7 = manage practitioner & staff timesheets (see no wages)
s_deductions integer Manage deductions. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_skills integer Manage skills. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_clients integer Manage clients. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_assess integer Manage assessments. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_scheduling integer Manage practitioner pairing. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_revenues integer Manage payments. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_balances integer Manage balances. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_invoices integer Manage invoices. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_expenses integer Manage expenses. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_services integer Manage services. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_taxes integer Manage taxes. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_session_control integer Manage sessions. 0 = view only | 1 = save and edit | 2 = save, add, edit, and delete
s_reconcile_duration integer Ability to change session start and end times. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_costs_wages integer See costs and wages of sessions. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_locations integer Manage locations. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_import integer Manage data imports and exports. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_langtrans integer Manage language translation. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_notif integer Manage notification messages. 0 = no, 1 = yes
pract_mass_email integer Send practitioner mass e-mails. 0 = no, 1 = yes
client_mass_email integer Send client mass e-mails. 0 = no, 1 = yes
staff_mass_email integer Send staff mass e-mails. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_email_history integer Manage e-mail history. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_tasks integer Manage tasks. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_branding integer Manage branding and colors. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_permissions integer Manage permissions. * Staff user will NOT be able to manage their own permissions. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_leads integer Manage sales manager. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_products integer Manage product manager. 0 = none, 1 = cashier, 2 = cashier manager, 3 = product manager
s_sms integer Manage text messages. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_records integer Manage records manager. 0 = no, 1 = view, 2 = edit, 3 = delete
s_breaks integer Manage breaks. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_cancels integer Manage cancellations. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_conflicts integer Manage session conflicts. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_custom_sessions integer Manage custom session types. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_docs integer Manage documents. 0 = no, 1 = yes
s_security integer Manage security manager. 0 = no, 1 = yes
email string String of comma separated emails: e.g.,
calendar 1 = month, 2 = week, 3 = day
minTime string Default = 08:00:00
maxTime string Default = 24:00:00
slotDuration string Default = 00:15:00 or 15 minute intervals
sessionLimit integer Number of sessions to show per day in month view. Default = 10
cal_length integer Length of the calendar on the page in pixels. Default = 1200
    "status": "success",
    "response": {
        "id": "13",
        "users_id": "652",
        "staff_settings_id": "13",
        "first_name": "Leslie",
        "last_name": "Johanson",
        "address1": "201 Cold Drive Place",
        "address2": "",
        "city": "Hamilton",
        "state": "Antartica",
        "zipcode": "54975",
        "country": "Antartica",
        "p_phone": "(905) 555-1111",
        "s_phone": "(905) 666-2222",
        "text_phone": "",
        "status": "active",
        "calendar_color": "#b6d7a8",
        "hire_date": "2018-01-27",
        "wage_tier": "1",
        "notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id porta tellus, sed lacinia tortor. Proin gravida enim metus, et sodales nulla efficitur aliquet. Donec tempor nulla eget tellus gravida auctor. Nunc rutrum finibus ligula, ut sagittis urna ullamcorper in. Cras ac erat blandit, mattis nibh sit amet, blandit elit. Aenean consequat et odio a semper. Donec nec massa pharetra, varius ipsum quis, faucibus nisi.",
        "position": "Chief Operations Officer",
        "excerpt": "Quisque pretium pulvinar mi, at placerat tortor finibus id. Curabitur lorem nunc, vestibulum non scelerisque in, iaculis at odio.",
        "priority": "10",
        "headshot_url": "lesliej.png",
        "send_welcome_message": "0",
        "s_practs": "1",
        "s_staff": "3",
        "s_wages": "1",
        "s_timesheets": "4",
        "s_deductions": "1",
        "s_skills": "1",
        "s_clients": "1",
        "s_assess": "1",
        "s_scheduling": "1",
        "s_revenues": "1",
        "s_balances": "1",
        "s_invoices": "1",
        "s_expenses": "1",
        "s_services": "1",
        "s_taxes": "1",
        "s_session_control": "2",
        "s_reconcile_duration": "1",
        "s_costs_wages": "1",
        "s_locations": "1",
        "s_import": "1",
        "s_langtrans": "1",
        "s_notif": "1",
        "pract_mass_email": "1",
        "client_mass_email": "1",
        "staff_mass_email": "1",
        "s_email_history": "1",
        "s_tasks": "1",
        "s_branding": "1",
        "s_permissions": "1",
        "s_leads": "1",
        "s_products": "3",
        "s_sms": "1",
        "s_records": "0",
        "s_breaks": "1",
        "s_cancels": "1",
        "s_conflicts": "1",
        "s_custom_sessions": "1",
        "s_docs": "1",
        "s_security": "1",
        "email": "",
        "calendar": "1",
        "minTime": "08:00:00",
        "maxTime": "24:00:00",
        "slotDuration": "00:15:00",
        "sessionLimit": "10",
        "cal_length": "1200"